Name Explanation
The word želekonopljica is not in Slovene literary language dictionary. I got the name by putting together a diminutive form of the word hemp and the word jelly, which is also one of the ingredients. The dish is sweet, so we only need to swirl spoon three times and it's already gone.
Hemp tea
4 dl of water
1 teaspoon of fresh or dried leaves of hemp
1 teaspoon of orange juice
1 teaspoon of Slovenian forest honey
Boil the water and pour it over the dried hemp. Leave it 3 minutes and precede after. Add honey and orange juice of 1orange. We get soothing and mild hemp tea, which has a pleasant taste and a noble smell.
Preparation of mushrooms
mushrooms (Pseudohýdnum gelatinósum)
baking soda
1 dl hemp tea
grapes (Jurka, gemaj, etc.)
* For the dessert use mushrooms (Pseudohýdnum gelatinósum) that grow from June to November on the tree trunk.
Clean mushrooms and wash them in water which contains baking soda. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Soak half of the mushrooms in grape juice and other half in herb tea. After 3 hours mushrooms should be taken out of the juice and then they are already ready to be eaten.
Preparation of jelly
30 g of jelly
3 dl warm hemp tea
1 teaspoon of forest honey
3 drops of lemon
Mix the jelly with warm cannabis tea, forest honey and lemons and blend in a blender for 1 minute. When the foam starts to form on top, precede and remove it. (Do not discard foam, but use it when preparing the last layer.)Then divide into 3 parts: jelly 1, jelly 2, jelly 3.
Preparation of the first transparent layer
50 g raisins
15 g mushrooms
3 tablespoon of hemp whole seeds
jelly 1
Mix mushrooms, yellow raisins and hemp seed in a transparent jelly. Pour into silicone containers, which were greased with hemp oil. The first layer is about 1 cm thick.
Preparation of the second pink layer
1 dl of sweet cream
3 tablespoons of yogurt
30 g of cherry marmalade
15 g of dried cranberries
Mix the cream with a blender for two minutes and then softly add the yoghurt and cherry jam. Add jelly 2 and mix all with a mixer. Pour it into the models and add the dried cranberries. The middle layer is colored pink becuse of the cherry jam.
Preparation of the third, white layer
30 g of beans of cannabis
10 baked plums
40 g (2 tablespoons) of cottage cheese
20 g (1 tablespoon) of Slovenian forest honey
juice 1/2 lemon
the foam
hemp seed
Soak sweet dry dates and hemp for 1 hour in hemp tea. Put plums into the oven to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Place baked plums and hemp seed in the models. Pour the cottage cheese through the strainer to get a finer structure. Add the foam, lemon and honey and after that add jelly 3. Mix with a mixer and pour into the models. The dessert should rest in freezer for 5 minutes. Put the dessert in the fridge and leave it for 1 hour. Carefully shake the dessert out the silicone models and place them in glasses.
Decorating the glass
leaves of fresh hemp or dried hemp
flour of hemp
* lavender sugar
hemp oil
* Lavender sugar (lavender flowers are mixed in sugar and placed in the sun in a glass jar for at least one month.)
Rob the glass with hemp oil. Connect the glass with hemp flour and lavender sugar. Decorate with raisins, cranberries ...
Želekonopljica contains jelly, industrial cannabis, dried fruit, lavender sugar and honey. It's a dessert you'll long for.
»Želekonopljica colors young women's faces pink, in the mouth it melts quickly, and wakes sensual desires.«
Hemp Recipe & Photos Author:
Ms. Rasta Vrečko / EU SLOVENIA
Razlaga imena jedi:
Beseda konopljica ni v slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika.
Ime sem dobila tako, da sem uporabila pomanjšalnico iz besede konoplja. »Konopljica« izraža pomanjšanje. Ker je ena od sestavin žele, sem besedo povezala s konopljico. Jed je lična, trikrat jo denemo na žlico in že je ni.
Konopljin čaj
Sestavine :
4 dl vode
1 čajna žlička svežih ali posušenih listov industrijske konoplje
1 žlička pomarančnega soka
1 čajna žlička slovenskega gozdnega medu
Vodo segrejemo do vrelišča in prelijemo čez posušeno industrijsko konopljo. Po 3 minutah precedimo. Dodamo med in pomarančni sok, ki smo ga iztisnili iz pomaranče. Dobimo pomirjujoč in blag konopljin čaj, ki je prijetnega okusa in žlahtnega vonja.
Priprava gob
Sestavine :
*gobe navadna ledenka (Pseudohýdnum gelatinósum)
jedilna soda
1 dl konopljinega čaja
2 manjša grozda ali 1 večji grozd (jurka, gemaj, ipd.)
* Za sladico uporabimo navadne ledenke (Pseudohýdnum gelatinósum), ki rastejo od junija do novembra na lesu iglavcev in listavcev.
Gobe očistimo. Operemo jih v jedilni sodi. Ledenke narežemo na koščke. Polovico gob namakamo 3 ure v grozdnem soku, drugo polovico gob namakamo v konopljinem čaju. Gobe po 3 urah vzamemo iz soka in uporabimo.
Priprava grozdnega soka
Sestavine :
neškropljeno grozdje (gemaj, jurka ipd.)
Z električnim aparatom za mešanje zmeljemo grozdje. Precedimo in odstranimo koščice.
Priprava želatine
30 g želatine
3 dl toplega konopljinega čaja
1 žlička medu
3 kapljice limone
Sofort želatino zmešamo s 3 dl toplega konopljinega čaja, žličko medu in 3 kapljicami limone. Mešamo z mešalnikom 1 minuto. Zgoraj se naredi pena , ki jo precedimo in odstranimo. (Peno ne zavržemo, ampak jo uporabimo, ko pripravljamo zadnjo belo plast.)
Dobljeno želatino razdelimo na 3 dele: želatino 1, želatino 2, želatino 3.
Priprava prve prozorne plasti
Sestavine :
50 g rozin
15 g gob ledenk
3 žlice semen industrijske konopje
želatina 1
olje industrijske konoplje
V prozorno želatino vmešamo gobe ledenke, rozine in neoluščena, v čaju in v grozdnem soku namočena konopljina semena. Zlijemo v silikonske modelčke, ki smo jih namastili z konopljinim oljem. Želatinasta plast je debela približno 1 cm.
Priprava druge rožnate plasti
Sestavine :
1 dl sladke smetane
3 žlice navadnega jogurta
30 g češnjeve marmelade
želatina 2
15 g posušenih brusnic
Z mešalcem stepamo dve minuti sladko smetano. Narahlo v maso vmešamo navadni jogurt in češnjevo marmelado.
Masi dodamo želatino 2 in z mikserjem premešamo. Srednja plast je zaradi uporabe češnjeve marmelade rožnate barve. Ko maso vlijemo v model, položimo vanjo še posušene brusnice.
Priprava tretje bele plasti
30 g bio konopljinih semen
10 zapečenih sliv
40 g (2 žlici) skute
20 g (1 žlica) slovenskega gozdnega medu
sok 1/2 limone,
pena, ki nam je ostala pri pripravi želeja
želatina 3
oluščena bio konopljina semena
Posušene datlje in konopljina semena namakamo 1 uro v konopljinem čaju.
Slive zapečemo v pečici na 180 stopinj, da zadišijo. Slive ohladimo. V modelček položimo na drugo plast zapečene slive in oluščena konopljina semena. Skuto pregnetemo skozi cedilo, da dobimo finejšo strukturo. Skuti primešamo peno, ki nam je ostala, ko smo pripravljali žele, limonin sok in med. Masi dodamo želatino 3. Premešamo z mikserjem in zlijemo v modelčke. Zadnja plast sladice je zaradi skute bele barve.
Sladica počiva (če se nam mudi) 5 minut v zamrzovalniku, zatem v hladilniku,
da se strdi, vsaj 1 uro.
Strnjenko previdno stresemo iz silikonskih modelov in položimo v kozarce.
Okrasitev kozarca
Sestavine :
lističi sveže bio industrijske konoplje ali lističi suhe konoplje
bio konopljina moka
*sivkin sladkor
rumene rozine
bio konopljino olje
* Sivkin sladkor (Cvetovi sivke so pomešani med sladkor in postavljeni na soncu v steklenem kozarcu vsaj en mesec.)
Avtorica Konopljinih Receptov & Fotografije
Ms. Rasta Vrečko / EU SLOVENIJA