The Be.e is an electrically powered scooter (EU L1e-homologated) with a monocoque frame made from Natural-fiber (Hemp) Reinforced Composite materials. This innovative application of biobased composites is a world first in providing the structural reinforcement needed in the frame of the scooter. All the driving loads are carried by the monocoque.
By applying this material in the loaded structure we create a lower environmental footprint in comparison with conventional steel and plastic frame body combinations. It is also light weight, more robust and has a more rigid/stiff frame. This all results in improved driving characteristics and a longer expected life time of the frame.
We have fitted the Be.e with a high-end drivetrain, top of line components and most importantly an exquisite design delineating its out-of-the-box nature.
Be.e Innovator Mr. Vaniek Colenbrander (Van.Eko) in collaboration with Mr. Simon Akkaya & Mr. Maarten Heijltjes (Waarmakers), NPSP, TUDelft, InHolland, told about a common innovative product:
There are other applications of biobased composites in all sorts of products including some projects focussing on the application for vehicles. However, to our knowledge, this applications are mostly intended for outer- and inner-panelling of cars. This implies that the mechanical stresses and loads on such panels are of less critical importance. In our application the monocoque structure is both the outer-shell as the inner structural frame which is fully load-bearing. To our knowledge the Be.e is the only vehicle in the world that has a load bearing Bio-based composite frame and is fully road legal according to EU legislation.
The application of biobased materials in any form or to any product is not protectable through patents. We therefore hold none. The empiric knowledge gained through developing the Be.e and are fully held by Van.Eko. The model rights are shared with partners Waarmakers.
Through LCA studies we have learned that the impact of our frame compared to existing technologies is 10% (based on 100% petrochemical Polyester as matrix) to 50% (based on 40% biobased polyester as a matrix) more environmentally friendly. The application of natural fibres and biobased polyester means that we capture CO2 during the growth fase of the palnts (1 season) and encapsulate the CO2 for the lifetime of the product (8-20 years). Thereby creating a carbon negative footprint for the lifetime of the scooter.
The use of Hemp fibers are also much more friendly than the use of glass fiber or carbon fiber as the hemp fibers are none intrusive and do not need inhalation and or skin contact protection during handling.
Our only reason for existence is to develop and manufacture more sustainable materials in the application of electric vehicles. We aim to only develop and apply the most sustainable solutions for mobility which can be applied on an industrial level at any given time.
Our next manufacturing batch is forecast for 250 units (€1mio turnover), following years we aim to increase production and sales to over 1000 units a year and by 2022 stabilize at around 5000 units per year ( €20mio turnover). Total investments in the innovation: > €1mio.
We are a start-up that solely relies on the development and eventual income of the Be.e. It is our only revenue stream. In 2017 we delivered the first 10 Be.e’s to our launching customers and thus realized our first turnover of €50.000,-.
Starting date of practical use of the innovation is 1-9-2017.
We are currently raising funds to continue production and increase sales.