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Hemp Paper - the Ecological Future of smaller Paper Industry and Organic Farms

Writer's picture: world.hemp.congress orgworld.hemp.congress org

Paper making from hemp via simplest, enviromnmental-friendly device and minimal energy consumption, represents a global ecological and technological leap in achievement and perception of Clean Environment and Energy Reduce Consumption, after all now hemp reach Top Paper Quality.

The Hemp Paper Project, certainly contributes to Global Climate Change and clearly indicates a different way of thinking about own paper production, with its own materials. The project, clearly pointed out the rapidly growing Hemp, which is an excellent material for paper making and presents as a raw material, organic top-notch development on several levels.

Microcutted Cellulose for experimental hemp paper

Senior researcher, Physicist Mr. Dr. Zsolt Németh, with Euro-Open Research Ltd. Team and with professional assistance of University of Public Services Budapest Faculty of Water Sciences Institute of Sustainable Development, develops a Eco Heamp Paper making Project, as enviromnmental-friendly device with minimal energy consumption.

"Shark" Hemp papirTechnology

The technology is new (no similar is known in the paper industry) and will be patented. The microcutting method we have developed is simple and very effective in terms of the energy demand. It uses approx. 10-times less energy as today’s technologies (sustainability) and can be applyed for a broad range of similar tasks, for example: biogas industry, food industry. (Interdisciplinality). Applying this technology would relevatnly decrease the GHG-emissions of several industries, save a lot of energy and allow the user to produce paper with a small carbon-footprint.

How much energy is consumed today in the paper-industry...?

Duration of developmental activities is 18 Months.

Starting date of practical use of the innovation: 01.08.2020.

Total investments in the innovation: 485 000 Euro.

The technology is new (no similar is known in the paper industry) and will be patented.

Mr. Dr. Zsolt T. Nemeth (PhD) is as Doctor of Physics in Budapest Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem / Universití of Public Services, Senior researcher in VTK Fenntartható Fejlődés Tanulmányok Intézet /Faculty of Water Sciences, and part of Institut of Sustainable Development, owner of many top innovations in the field of physics.

Mr. Dr. Zsolt T. Nemeth

One of his innovations by name „Shark” is a new technology for hemp cutting and destroying solid particles of organic suspensions in fluid or gel state (sewage sludge, substrata of biogas plants, materials of food-and paper industry…) The main goal of this innovative technology is the excellent energy-efficiency of the cutting process. Shark needs about 3-10-times less energy for the same result than today’scompetitive technologies. This amazing feature has been achieved by a composition of different destroying techniques and a deep physical understanding of shearing processes in aqueous solutions.

Project "Shark technology" is GLOBAL HEMP tech INNOVATION WNNER, and is also the recipient of many other top international awards.

Hungarian development team, led by Dr. Nemeth, is using the same type Shark technology, developed hemp paper, which achieves different qualities and thickness and it is completely ecological. Innovation Hemp paper can replace all types and qualities so far known and bleached paper. The project and the quality of the entry of organic hemp paper into a wide production and use, will be presented at

WORLD HEMP CONGRESS 2018, whose member is Nemeth with Team isince 2012 year.

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